Relax & Reload - Funky Diva Accessories Blogger On The Rise Article #9
Article #9
Article #9
Happy Fall my beautiful Divas!
Summer is gone by the wayside here in the Pacific Northwest. It gave us one final smile on Saturday and
then said ado.
I don’t know about you but, I hate to see summer leave yet I do
enjoy the fall, as long as I can snuggle up to my honey with a beautiful fire,
an adult beverage of my choice and I am good!
That is my comfort zone. This
time of year does not bring to mind going out to “play” so to speak. It speaks of hibernation and comfy places to
just let you chill out.
As much as I love to snuggle and be by the fire this time of year
is usually by far my busiest time of year.
So I have grown to appreciate those times I get to lounge around so much
more. This time of the year brings lots
of events, lots of work to prepare for the events and a lot of organization. I have picked up a few new things to add to
my schedule for the fall that has quite frankly challenged my comfort zone.
We all have things to do and get done and I was wondering, do you
find yourself just wanting to stop the clock just for a few minutes to just catch
your breath?! You can’t see me, but, I
am jumping up and down for that. I just need
a little breathing room sometimes.
![]() |
Me pulling out my hair! |
Okay! It may not be as bad
as that but that is how I feel sometimes.
I know I am not alone ladies!
So this month I want to focus on giving us some tools to navigate
the “overwhelm” that sometimes
attacks us. Now I am going to say this
up front…..”I found ALL of these techniques on the web.” I chose ones that sounded doable and really
relaxing and you could do for yourself and you could alter them to have a
friend join in….I vote for the “have a friend do them with you”. I’m just saying. So here are a few little tips to help you
step out of that craziness you call “normal”
Go Solo Every
Now & Again
If that to-do list is ruling your life it might be
time to put it to the side for a day.
Schedule a day off. Yes, you read
that right. You schedule everything
else. Take out the little calendar, pull
up the calendar app on your phone and schedule the day off! No chores or responsible woman tasks
allowed. Wake up, have breakfast and sit
around in your jammies binge watching your favorite program. Or better yet, go
back to bed and watch it.
Act Like the
Kid You Know You Are
For a wonderful lift of your mood, do whatever it was that gave you joy
when you were a kid, before the confusion of the teenage years. Play in the dirt, skip, jump rope, skate,
draw or color in a coloring book or play with your daughter’s dolls or your
sons pick-up trucks. As a little girl I
would help my grandmother in the garden by taking away the weeds in the back of
my little bright yellow Tanka Dump Truck.
Yep, I was all into it too! (Big
Turn Up the
Jams, Baby!
Music is the best thing to elevate a mood. It has been proven to get your heart rate and
brain up and paying attention! You know
what gets you going, so turn it on and turn it up and shake what your Momma gave
you! Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake,
shake your booty!! Shake your BOOTY!
Friends with
& without Tails
Got a dog or a cat? No.
Got a girlfriend that would not mind playing hooky for a day? Good!
Either one of them will do.
Sometimes time just sitting loving your fuzzy buddy is all you need; and
then there are those times that hanging out with you Gal-pal doing stuff that
appeals to only you guys is the ticket.
Read a Book
Self-explanatory. Find a novel you have been meaning to read
and do it! Just watch the tension melt
Last but not least, meditate. Find a quiet spot and close your eyes. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe
out through your mouth. Do this about 5
times and you can create a peaceful feeling within you when you have no time to
do all of the other stuff mentioned.
Okay, I think you can handle it from here!
Football season has started and I am doing Pop-ups at all of the
Seahawks Sunday home games @ 4th & Royal Brougham. You see which other home games I will be there at: I am also
doing a few vendor shows in the area. My
biggest this year for the holiday season is the Emerald Downs Holiday & Gift Show on Saturday, November 10th & Sunday, November 11, 2018, 10
am – 4 pm each day at Emerald Downs Race Track in Auburn, WA. I have been a vendor there for 4 years now and
it is always a fun event for kids (Santa is there) and us not so much in the
kid category anymore. It has 2 floors of
vendors with wonderful handmade items that will be a treasure for your friends
and family for holiday gifts. I
will have some free tickets to give away later this month, so stay tuned!
Well that is all for now.
As always, Stay Fabulously Funky, my beautiful Divas!
Your Funky Diva,
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