Getting Noticed or Not, That is The Question!
February 2018
Article #1
Hey, it is I, your Funky Diva, Eyvonne T. Robinson!
I've been exploring this notion of "looking the same". You know, how everybody wants to "fit in" by standing out - to look like her over there! She looks polished: very chic outfit, hair and nails done, beautiful jewelry that shines and sparkles when the sunlight hits it. She has a certain sexy sway to her step - you can tell she is having one of "those days"! Yep, everything fell into place this morning. It's going to be a glorious day!
Then you think about how your morning went... um... Kids/baby needed help getting ready. Hubby couldn't find his keys. The dog needed walking and no one else had time to take care of it (as if you had free time!). Now you have to throw something together in a rush just so you can get there on time! You don't feel beautiful; you've just had "one of those (other) days". Sound vaguely familiar? Yep, we've all been there! Now stay with me here, don't stop reading...
Every woman has her own style and even though most of us say we don't want to be noticed; it simply is not true. A well timed compliment can MAKE your day, and you know it! We have to take back our OWN SEXY! That's right, I said it! We ALL have something to offer no matter our age or station in life. Even if we are feeling older, or especially because we are wives, mothers, or grandmothers, does not mean we have lost it. Just don't go there! We deserve to feel special, beautiful, happy and loved!
To prove it, I am proposing this: find an outfit -- whether you lay it out, hang it in a certain spot in the closet, or even dream up -- that makes you SMILE! Give yourself a compliment! Next, pay it forward - wear it out and about!
To get you started:
- Do: Go through your closet and find your best outfits (5 minimum) that ALWAYS get you compliments and put them in rotation!
- Do: Wear at least one of these outfits every week.
- Do: Take it to the nines - pull out the jewelry, the shoes, the pantyhose (if needed), the perfume, you name it because you're WORTH IT.
- Do: Be prepared. Assemble everything you need the night before, so when you do have "one of those mornings," you don't have to rush around trying to find everything!
- Do: Know your occasion. It's probably not a good idea to show up at the office in an evening gown with the girls proudly displayed for show-time, but is perfect for that night on the town getting your FUNK on!
- Do: Make room in your closet for something new that you will want to wear (out in public).
- Don't: Keep clothes that don't fit or don't make you feel fabulous. Donate them to a place you know will find them a good home.
- Don't: Hesitate - If you look at an item and think, "I can't believe I still am holding on to this raggedy thing" - TOSS IT!! That's right! Better yet, recycle it (many areas have recycle bins for used textiles that include non-useable fabrics and materials).
- Don't: Be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone! Try new styles, colors, patterns. Discover what makes you feel sexy and beautiful.
Now go out there and be FABULOUSLY FUNKY!!
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